Sacred Heart Province

Renewal Program

Renewal Programmes

Batch Courses:

Once in three years batch courses are arranged with an aim of renew and refresh the mind of sisters who are busy with various ministries. During this time talks and classes by experts are arranged time is given to share the experiences in the apostolic field and also in their spiritual growth. This is really Helpful and is a means to enrich one another. 

Monthly Recollection and Exposure Programme.

Every community fit a day for monthly recollection and this activity of this day depends on he particular community. Some times a priest or a sister is called from outside for an input session and the recollection is based on that particular theme. There will be resourc ...

Batch Courses:

Once in three years batch courses are arranged with an aim of renew and refresh the mind of sisters who are busy with various ministries. During this time talks and classes by experts are arranged time is given to share the experiences in the apostolic field and also in their spiritual growth. This is really Helpful and is a means to enrich one another. 

Monthly Recollection and Exposure Programme.

Every community fit a day for monthly recollection and this activity of this day depends on he particular community. Some times a priest or a sister is called from outside for an input session and the recollection is based on that particular theme. There will be resource person in certain communities and a talk or guided meditation is done by them. The dialogs at the end of the recollection day is also an enriching one. 

For junior sisters we arrange exposure programme. This year they went to kuttippara a remote village in the Archdiocese of Ernakulam. They stayed there for two weeks visited almost all the houses. Both the parishioners and sisters were happy and could create certain movements in the parish. Sisters could also experience the difficulties of people and thus to give certain guidance. Above all through the power of prayer they could see miracles happening. 

Annual Retreat.

In the beginning of the year the retreats for the whole year is arranged and the dates are informed through circulars. This will help the sisters to select according to their convenience. Almost 6 or 7 retreats are arranged every year. Apart from this charismatic retreats are also arranged for those who are interested. Last year we conducts three retreats and the preacher was Fr. Reny Pullukalayil from Dhoni , Palakkad. This was really inspiring and sisters could experience the love of God and many of them got inner healing. 

Home Mission.

As a part of new generation we started Home Mission to renew and enrich people in the parishes. A group of sisters prepare well through prayer, fasting and penance and stay in a house given by the parish. They visit houses, listen to their problems, pray for them and thus help them to be interested in sacramental life. Sisters could settle many family problems especially due to alcoholism and drug addiction. 

Alphonsa Garden. 

To inspire young children and to bring them close to Jesus Alphonsa Garden is started in almost all the communities. Children gather in the school or convents and there will be prayer service, cultural programs etc. In connection to the feast of St. Alphonsa, St. Francis and St. Clare special programme is arranged and children go back home being enriched and refreshed. 

Retreats and counseling.

As a part of evangelization a group of sisters is set apart to conduct retreats in orphanages, schools, colleges etc. Realizing in fact that todays youth is trapped by the darkness of the world. Certain sisters are trained in counseling and this facility is open to all those who are in problems. This also done as a part of retreat. 

Challenging Ministries.

City Evangelization. 

In this modern times this is a ministry of reaching to the unreachable. Sisters stay in a particular city in a rented house with minimum facilities. They move around and extend their hands to the needy ones. They work among migrants and do the necessary for their spiritual and physical upliftment. They also deal with family problems like divorces etc. Seminars, workshops,, awareness programmes etc are arranged in parishes and villages. When there are social issues they co-operate with the programmes arranged by the church and government. 

Being with the Aids Patients. 

People are frightened of Aids. Even though there are sisters who are ready to be with them. Usually we work in the centers for aids patients. One of our sisters Sr. Regi who is working fulltime for the aids patient . The aim of this ministry is to make them aware that there are people who care for them. When they reach the last stage palliative care is given so that they could go back to heavenly world very peacefully. 


We have sisters working in Leprosy asylums especially in Thirumudikkunnu. Treatments, dressing etc are given to the patients. More than the children of these lepers are given education by the sisters. Awareness programmes are conducted for the patients. To earn their lively hood they are helped to rear goats, chicks etc. Vocational training is also given thus to make them self sufficient. 

Prison Ministry.

People inside the bars are in desperate situation. There should be somebody to help them and guide them to accept that condition. We have a group of sisters, keeping in mind that these are also children of God, ready to spend time for them. Evert Sundays Holy Mass is arranged and both catholics and non- catholics are allowed to participate in that the celebrant priest give inspiring homilies and some prisoners are really moved by that. On Mondy Thursday the service of 'washing the feet' is also done in the prison. Sisters also help those who come out of the jail to stay in rehabilitation centers arranged for them. During special occassions with permission cultural programme are also conducted.